page 89 |
Weaponized knowledge has been America's leading export for over 50 years. It's pretty much the only thing where we're still legitimately #1 in the world.
page 88 |
Legend says that whoever brings together the three relics of John the Monk will attain the ability to manipulate any muscle in your body in ways you never thought possible.
pages 86-87 |
Stare at the Grid long enough, and the Grid stares back. I think it was Nietzsche who said that, or maybe it was Keanu Reeves.
page 85 |
I can't wait for the trend of naming you child after whichever pop culture icon you like the most to really pick up steam as more Millennials have babies. The reason why I'm excited is the prospect of having a president named "Harry Potter" or "Sonic the Hedgehog" in 50-60 years.
page 84 |
Herp tea is just about the worst thing you can find in your coffee mug, next to a mug full of Ted Cruz's oily sweat.
pages 82-83 |
Paul Giamatti is the thinking man's Nicolas Cage. Both are known to appear in nearly every kind of movie, across the spectrum, from Oscar-bait dramas to B-movie cheesefests; they seem to have very open minds or no standards when it comes to scripts. They also are both known for utterly committing to the material they're given, no matter how insane the words coming out of their mouths may sound. The only difference is the quality of output; in Giamatti's case, more often than not, he's the best part of the movie - even when he's in good movies.