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The best literature is always conceived when the author is in a certain distinct state of mind; namely, being completely fucked up on their drug(s) of choice.
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It's a basic fact that any movie starring or prominently featuring a musical artist in an acting role will be a hot piece of garbage. The only two exceptions to this rule are David Bowie and Ice Cube*.
*The inclusion of Mr. Cube is debatable, since his career trajectory is starting to resemble Adam Sandler's
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Stop living in the past and join the 21st century with your very own brand-new 3-D gun! It shoots fully 3-D bullets and fits right in its own 3-D holster. Get one today, so Obama can come take it away tomorrow, then go out and buy another one!
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I'm back from an unscheduled computer-related hiatus, during which time I was unable to access the files containing these glorious pages of wisdom. What better way to restart things than with this page featuring one of the all-time greatest quotes ever uttered by a human being. Enjoy.