Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mow a lawn

page 78
I leave you now with the wisdom of Hank Hill, the father we all wish we had.  This concludes Kraezofsky Volume II, but stay tuned for the third and final installment coming soon!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I feel young

page 77
Life is all about feeling young, and feeling young is all about punk rock and cartoons and breakfast cereal.  As long as you like those things, you'll do just fine.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Old man

page 76
If I was riding on a subway, and I locked eyes with this dude on accident, I don't know if I'd be more afraid to keep staring or to look away.  It's like he's gazing right through my soul.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


page 75
We are all sentient trash that were given life by wizards with nothing better to do.

Friday, October 3, 2014


page 74
Everyone with an "eccentric" habit or accessory should be forced to switch with someone else like them just so they all know how fucking stupid they are.  For example, somebody who wears a bow tie everywhere would be forced to ride a unicycle around instead.  Or somebody who smokes a tobacco pipe would be forced to care for an exotic pet.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


page 73
Gigglebox, the half-dog half-bro hybrid, was created in a lab by Soviet scientists in an effort to create a mascot for capitalism.  Don't be afraid; all he wants to do is party.