If you ever find yourself lost in an otherworldly mushroom forest with neon air-jellies filling the sky around you, don't worry; you're probably just on acid. That, or you really are in outer space and your helmet has a leak, and your oxygen-starved brain is making it all up.
There should be a customary type of bird that people release onto the street whenever they have a party. That way, if you see a goose or whatever wandering the neighborhood, you know there's a sweet shindig going on nearby.
Whatever it is that sets you apart from the mainstream is the best part of who you are. Never lose touch with the weirdness inside you. Unless it makes you vote Republican, that is. Because I think we can agree that voting Republican is weird as fuck if you're not a billionaire.
If you haven't consumed illegal drugs through the carcass of an endangered animal at least once in your life, then you're not really living. What are you waiting for? Go out there and do it!
I'm starting a Beatles cover band that plays their songs in the style of Sublime, while dressed like trustafarians. We'll be called Sgt. Pothead and every "cool" kid on your dorm floor will be at our shows.
It's inevitable, with all the "artisan" and "hand-crafted" versions of consumer goods proliferating in the marketplace, that right now, somebody is forming a company dedicated to sending out your email in the form of a handwritten letter. And that makes me want to vomit.
Birthdays are a chance to act as recklessly as you want without anyone judging your behavior. If you want to set fire to a Best Buy while smoking PCP, then hey, go for it; it's your birthday.